When I was young, as with most of the kids, I’m very curious. I asked several questions about everything to everyone I met.
It is good to know things. Sometimes I think I understand how things work until I asked myself further questions about that. It is also good for me to be humble as well. For example, why the sky is blue? How do we know it is blue or let alone how do we perceive colour? What is the colour? Well, I then realize there is a lot I don’t know.
Because of those questions always coming into my mind I also consider myself as a non-believer. I prefer to read and took all the information that I could process so I can have a wider understanding. I’m afraid of myself just to settle on the wrong answer. For me, that’s lazy. I prefer to keep pushing the boundary of knowledge.
There is one saying I love, “Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers.”
Photo by Ken Treloar