Happiness & Wellbeing

June 25, 2018 Kyaw Z Thant

Happiness & Wellbeing

We all want to be happy.  It seems to be one most important purpose of being alive.  When we are happy, we do great things together.

5 things have a huge influence on happiness which in turn to our wellbeing.

  1. Social Relationship
  2. Health & Activity
  3. Generosity
  4. Learning new things
  5. Building Curiosity / Mindfulness

1. Social Relationship

We evolve to be a social animal.  It is almost impossible for us to survive alone.  We need to have strong and secure bonds with our friends and family.  It is very important we need to be able to trust each other to maintain meaningful social relationships.

2. Health & Activity

There is no point if we don’t take care of our body to be able to do the great things that we want to do.  Therefore, health is one important factor in our happiness.  We don’t need to be a super athletic type to be happy, however, it is so beneficial if we do some active activity at least twice a week to maintain a healthy body.

3. Generosity

It doesn’t mean we need to have a lot of money to give away.  We can be generous with our time for a member of the family or a friend that in need to talk to or helping people inspire to do the good things.  We can donate our blood.  Therefore, there are so many things that don’t involve spending any money to be generous.  It is all about doing things with good intention to other beings without expecting anything in return.

4. Learning new things

That usually works for me.  Learning and trying to master a new skill is an amazing feeling.  It will make your confidence level up and get you an enormous level of freedom and satisfaction.

5. Building curiosity / Mindfulness

We don’t have much time to be alive actually.  Worse, one-third of it, we simply sleep.  So don’t get carried away by being ignored when we are awake (two-thirds of our life).  Live every moment.  Know every moment and be in every minute of it.  Practise mindfulness.  Don’t react, respond.

Photo by Robert Collins

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